Liberal Eugenesy

I am against liberal eugenesy because I think that in some caseseugenesy should not be allowed.

The liberal eugenesy should be restricted because only for a simplefact of physical appearance that these moment, the embryo can notchange because the world of fashion changes very often.

If we allow the liberal eugenesy,, which means that also we allowthat the parents more privileged to choose a perfect child, or to beas they want.

Due to the liberal eugenesy, the children are seen different andothers do not have enough autonomy to be defined character.

If we allow eugenesy, the children would be less free because lparents would choose all for them, that is, they would go against thenature and we can not allow that.

Due to they had to be created by the wishes of their parents he may not ever reach be genetically identical to their parents.

We should allow eugenesy because make us feel less free because they would think that our life is in the hands of another person. In theory to think that we are free , our lives should not be in the handsof anyone because we have been created by God (in religion) ornature (in science).

It would be unfair to modify genetically a person just by simply avoidnon-optimal characteristics of a person such as obesity or skin color, it would be If you care as a child model and bring it to you to home. 

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