0. Quiz: do you know your rights? : what's your score?
1. What are human rights?
Human rights are those freedoms, faculties, institutions or claims relating to primary or basic goods including any person, for the simple fact of their humanity, to guarantee a decent life, without distinction of race, color, sex , language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
Human rights are free classifieds into three types: the first generation rights, the rights of second generation and third generation rights. The division of human rights into three generations was first conceived in 1979 by Karel Vasak. Each is associated with one of the great values proclaimed in the French Revolution: liberty, equality and fraternity.
The first generation rights are civil and political rights, linked with the principle of freedom. This rights are generally considered of defense or negative, which require the public authorities their inhibition and not interference in the private sphere.
Moreover, second-generation rights are economic, social and cultural rights which are linked with the principle of equality. Required for effective implementation of the intervention of public authorities, through benefits and services. There is some contradiction between the rights against the state (first generation) and rights to the state (second generation). Advocates of civil and political rights often qualify to economic, social and cultural rights as false rights because the State can't satisfy rather than imposing others their realization, which for them would be a violation of rights of first generation.
Meanwhile, the third generation of rights, emerged in the literature in 1980, is linked with solidarity. Unifies them their impact on the lives of everyone, a universal scale, as required for their realization a series of efforts and cooperation on a planetary level. Normally included in this kind of rights the heterogeneous rights as the right to peace, to the quality life and guarantees against the genetic manipulation, although different jurists associate these rights to other generations
2. Why were they created?
Human rights were created to reconsider the human knowledge because the man isn't capable of respecting the same human species, as many say "man is a predator of himself."
Certainly this inability to respect has led to give certain parameters or global rules of behavior called fundamental human rights, the main point of knowledge for man are these rights. These rights are crucial in today's society in which we live due to their lack of values.
The universal declaration of human rights is one of the most cited papers in the world, but also is one of the lesser-known texts in their real content. In view the importance that for the contemporary subject has a duty to know and implement the main principles that human rights are oriented in all of their manifestations.
If we review our life and we reflect upon it we find conditions of abuse to others, perhaps we have done or seen others do, we ask ourselves, why we do something to help? or what should we do?
3. How many human rights are there?
Everyone has these rights:
- A life.
- A personal integrity, physical, mental and moral.
- A personal freedom.
- A petition to the authorities.
- A freedom of expression.
- The protection of freedom of conscience and religion.
- A assemble freely and to associate.
- A the identity and nationality.
- A private property.
- A move and reside in the territory of a State.
- A fair trial within a reasonable time before a tribunal objective, independent and impartial and a second hearing judicial.
- A presumption of innocence.
- A defense.
- A non-discrimination.
- A work.
- A health.
- The attendance of children and adolescents.
- To receive protection and assistance during pregnancy and childbirth.
- To have food, clothes and house.
- A free public education at all levels of education.
- A healthy and balanced environment.
- A self-determination of peoples.
- The protection of health, safety and economic interests as appropriate and accurate information in relation to consumption and use of goods and services.
- To live in peace.
- Human development economic and social development.
- A culture.
- The protection and family support.
4. Which human right were you not familiar with? Mention an example where this human right is respected and where it is not respected.
I more or less already knew all the rights that we have although I think that not all met. I found an example that isn't fulfilled: the right to a fair trial within a reasonable time before a tribunal objective, independent and impartial and a second hearing judiciary.
In this country, the court isn't objective because it tends to favor the most powerful people with a lot of money , and usually have color, that is, that the courts tend to be of one party or another and to favor his party.
A right I think that isn't fulfilled is the right to life because everyone who wants to live, you can and also because in the democratic countries are prohibited the death penalty and, therefore, the murderers were not removed the right to live.
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