The story centers around Morisato Keiichi, a university student tart, fond of motorcycles. One day Keiichi accidentally telephoned a "technical helpline of the goddesses" and the beautiful goddess Belldandy appears behind him, offering him a wish. Assuming this is a joke, Keiichi wishes that Belldandy (which is very attractive) to stay with him forever, and his wish is immediately granted.
This gets complicated when the Sisters of Belldandy, Urd and Skuld, move with them, bringing many more problems. The three goddesses are based on the rules of Nordic mythology: Urd, Verdandi / Verthandi and Skuld; who represent the past, present and future. These rules living in one of the wells that feed the Yggdrasil, and protect it. The Goddessess of this manga accessing a computer system with the same name as tree analogy Yggdrasil that holds all worlds, an ash tree.
- Belldandy (ベルダンディー)
She is a goddess first class, second category and unlimited power to be your alternative source of energy to sleep. Controls the wind and represents the present. Is 21 and was born on January 1. She comes from the Attendance Office of the Goddesses and measures 1.65 meters.
His angel is called Holy Bell. He is the personification of gentleness, always pleasant, has no evil thoughts, its weakness is the cola, which makes getting drunk.
When you receive the order to stay on Earth with Keiichi forever, is fully and then begins his new life. She has older sister Urd and Skuld as a younger sister, two goddesses troublesome with which has sometimes difficulties. Graphically, it is the character who may be seen the most evolution over the volumes of the manga.
- Keiichi Morisato (森里螢一)
It is a university student, a lover of cars and motorcycles, which doesn't care the outside but care the inside of people and objects. The misfortune and bad luck is very common for him, has bad luck with women for being short (only measures 1.60 meters). But his life changes dramatically when he meets Belldandy: she keeps him company and also brings you luck, so he begins a life completely different from what he was used, is a young undecided, extremely friendly and enthusiastic.
- Urd (ウルド)
In the Nordic mythology, she is the goddess of the past and a combination between gods and demons, because of this her guardian angel has a white and black wing and her hair and dress called World elegance. Her temperament is strong but also she is seductive. She is not very clever driving their powers and they always result in disaster, for which she was banished from Asgard (home of the gods in Norse mythology, in the case of the series is called Yggdrasil), and then she must live with Belldandy and Skuld, also found that Keichii is with them. Her weakness is enka style music, which make sleep immediately and alternative energy source is drinking sake. She is the matchmaker between them and uses this ability to make potions.
- Skuld (スクルド)
In Norse mythology, she is the goddess of the future, it is fun and is the younger sister of Belldandy. She has a guardian angel named Noble Scarlet. Upon knowing that Keiichi is with her sister gets really jealous because she thinks that he far from her sister. Her source alternative is to eat ice cream. Her weakness is the simple machines. She has a hammer with which to frighten the rabbits of tree Yggdrasil, which influences the actions of them as goddesses.
- Open Your Mind
- Let's Fly into Space
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