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Liberal Eugenesy
am against
liberal eugenesy because I think that in some caseseugenesy should
not be allowed.
The liberal eugenesy should be restricted because only for a simplefact of physical appearance that these moment, the embryo can notchange because the world of fashion changes very often.
we allow
the liberal eugenesy,, which means that also we allowthat the parents
more privileged to choose a perfect child, or to beas they want.
Due to the liberal eugenesy, the children are seen different andothers do not have enough autonomy to be defined character.
If we allow eugenesy, the children would be less free because lparents would choose all for them, that is, they would go against thenature and we can not allow that.
Due to they had to be created by the wishes of their parents he may not ever reach be genetically identical to their parents.
We should allow eugenesy because make us feel less free because they would think that our life is in the hands of another person. In theory to think that we are free , our lives should not be in the handsof anyone because we have been created by God (in religion) ornature (in science).
It would be unfair to modify genetically a person just by simply avoidnon-optimal characteristics of a person such as obesity or skin color, it would be If you care as a child model and bring it to you to home.
Due to the liberal eugenesy, the children are seen different andothers do not have enough autonomy to be defined character.
If we allow eugenesy, the children would be less free because lparents would choose all for them, that is, they would go against thenature and we can not allow that.
Due to they had to be created by the wishes of their parents he may not ever reach be genetically identical to their parents.
We should allow eugenesy because make us feel less free because they would think that our life is in the hands of another person. In theory to think that we are free , our lives should not be in the handsof anyone because we have been created by God (in religion) ornature (in science).
It would be unfair to modify genetically a person just by simply avoidnon-optimal characteristics of a person such as obesity or skin color, it would be If you care as a child model and bring it to you to home.
San Valentine
is Cupid?
He appears every 14th February and although he is armed, the police left their old tricks. In fact, we love his arrows of love.
You know him as Cupid, but in Greek mythology is Eros and in theIndian, Kamadeva.
Although he seems a sweet little angel, he is nothing more andnothing less than the god of love.
His parents are Venus and Mars, the gods who represent the gods war and love. He is always loaded with five arrows that going direct to the five senses. Hence, that when you are in love you always are in the clouds.
He appears every 14th February and although he is armed, the police left their old tricks. In fact, we love his arrows of love.
You know him as Cupid, but in Greek mythology is Eros and in theIndian, Kamadeva.
Although he seems a sweet little angel, he is nothing more andnothing less than the god of love.
His parents are Venus and Mars, the gods who represent the gods war and love. He is always loaded with five arrows that going direct to the five senses. Hence, that when you are in love you always are in the clouds.
serving of
with a message of mobile phone you can get a lot! Both if you'recaught by someone, as if you've found your soul mate, send anoriginal sms in this special day.
with a message of mobile phone you can get a lot! Both if you'recaught by someone, as if you've found your soul mate, send anoriginal sms in this special day.
- For when you are in full sight:
"I have to buy a dictionary. Since I saw you, you want me. am leftwithout words " - For that when you passionately in love:
"A person like you is hard to find, easy to love and impossible toforget."
- To tell him that you liked:
"If math is exactly and Pythagoras does not lie, you must be thecutest boy in all continents.
- To leave doubts:
"This is the message of love. If you delete it, you want me. _ If youanswer it, you liked. If you keep it, you love me. If you give it back, you desire me. . What you decide?
A letter of Ms. Pintó
Clara s/n
January 2012
Laila Abjil
C/Pont, 29
Dear Ms.
Morning, my name is Laila Abjil and after some years learning in this
secondary school, I've decided to write a letter to inform you of the
qualities of this school.
First of
all, it has a café where we could have sandwiches and croissants.
Last year, a project so-called Edu1x1 has started. It is good for
students and for this school, too. They also started to install
tactils screens. In this school there is sometimes a good atmosphere
with teachers and they preapare us well for university.
the project Edu1x1 hasn't done to all classes
of centre, only 1st
and 2nd
ESO and it is the same with tactils screens, there are some classes
where it doesn't have. The screens are good but they have an
inconvenient: the
felt pens that
are used, they
are spend
very fast and
happens with
Besides, this school needs decoration, for example, the walls need
some painting.
a conclusion, I agree that learning in this secondary school has
helped me to reach a good level of knowledge to go in university but
I find that need a little bit of decoration.
forward to hearing from you
Take a 10 on love!
Did you know that each subject hides its own manual of love? Put them into practice and watch the crazy guy who has you fall into your arms.
Physical Education
Your teacher has prepared a basketball tournament and your chance to give a beating the opposing team. And besides, the guy that steals your sleep will be your captain! Thus, the contact is more than assured ... take advantage of it!
Since you do not dare to say what you feel for him ... How about if you try to send a note in English? Take hold of the dictionary andyou make the phrase a little complicated. There will be words that he doesn't understand and he will come to _ ask what you mean. Go ahead and let him very clearly what you think. You leave k.o.
Let's test your originality and skill of the guy on the sigh. You'll make your own wordsearch with your names, hobbies and of course, the traits that define you. Surreptitiously, save it in his bag and remember to write the words to look for. If the next day appears witha smile from ear to ear, you have him in your boat!
Since you do not dare to say what you feel for him ... How about if you try to send a note in English? Take hold of the dictionary andyou make the phrase a little complicated. There will be words that he doesn't understand and he will come to _ ask what you mean. Go ahead and let him very clearly what you think. You leave k.o.
Let's test your originality and skill of the guy on the sigh. You'll make your own wordsearch with your names, hobbies and of course, the traits that define you. Surreptitiously, save it in his bag and remember to write the words to look for. If the next day appears witha smile from ear to ear, you have him in your boat!
They have given you the exam that you went so well, but the guy whoyou love has not had the same fate and need that you helped. Yo do not get carried away and become hard to get. Tell him that beforetutorials, you should stay alone to organize exercises, notes ... Mathnever been more fun!
This evaluation will have to write a song. To do this, you have tochange the lyrics to a choice. Your inspiration: everything you feelfor him! When your turn to sing in front of everyone, take a pair ofeyes so you know you've done thinking about it. Sure that each notegets to his heart!
Geography and History
You have punished and you have a week to do a research paper.On the one hand, it is a pain because you take time away from theweekend but at the same time, you're happy because you havegiven with him and you know him further. Of course, if any punishment will be like this, you will not stop doing tricks!
They have given you the exam that you went so well, but the guy whoyou love has not had the same fate and need that you helped. Yo do not get carried away and become hard to get. Tell him that beforetutorials, you should stay alone to organize exercises, notes ... Mathnever been more fun!
This evaluation will have to write a song. To do this, you have tochange the lyrics to a choice. Your inspiration: everything you feelfor him! When your turn to sing in front of everyone, take a pair ofeyes so you know you've done thinking about it. Sure that each notegets to his heart!
Geography and History
You have punished and you have a week to do a research paper.On the one hand, it is a pain because you take time away from theweekend but at the same time, you're happy because you havegiven with him and you know him further. Of course, if any punishment will be like this, you will not stop doing tricks!
10 keys to overcome the September exams
Would you have been in September? Are you still in time to savethe course! You may want.
- Get organized: Become a planning: many issues for days until the test date.
- Your habitat: Turn off your phone, TV and radio. Study day and with good light, less tired.
- Read and highlights: Read carefully. Underline the key phrases and passes from the chaff.
- Keywords: Mark of the word a special color that you consider most important and that just reading it will make you remember the entire paragraph.
- Do outlines: Write in outline form the phrases.
- Study the diagrams and try to memorize them.
- Focus: The hardest part is maintaining attention. There is no pointsitting in front of the books if you're not centered. Do not be fooled!
- Reward yourself: For each subject studied, treat yourself to some chocolate or a text message to your best friend.
- Rest a few minutes if you see that you do not advance to clear your.
- Controls the nerves in the examination. If you have studied, it is impossible to know nothing.
The Universe of the four gods
It is known from four protective gods of the four cardinal points:East, Seiryu; Byakko, the west; Suzaku, South and North, Guenbu.Also the 28 constellations that make up the map of the heavens are divided into 4 sectores. South belongs to the God Suzaku and seven constellations or stars who serve him.
When the country faces a time of devastation and danger, you will see a girl from another world who will get the power of the godSuzaku and she used to lead the nation. She will be the "Priestess ofSuzaku" and she will have at her side the "Seven Stars of Suzaku" designated by the heavens, whose fate will protect her. When they achieve summon Suzaku, the god will grant them three wishes.
When the sacred creature is summoned, the Seven Stars should silenceand annul their auras while the priestess recites the following spell as she tosses the manuscript to the flames:
"By the power of the four gods of heaven and the four corners of the Earth, the Supreme Court, faith and goodness, I invoke you, Suzaku, protector of the Southern sky, to hear our prayers. Attend to ourprayers and down from the seven constellations to Earth to protectthose that you cherish. Destroy the evil that lurks in this world with your divine power.
Come down to us from Heaven!"
And so, the heavenly voice rises to the heights and gives their wishesto the country of Konan.
Byakko is a Japanese word meaning "white light". In Japanese mythology refers to one of the four divine monsters whose representsthe cardinal points. Byakko has the appearance of a white tiger, represent the east and also symbolize the wind element. The Seven Western Constellations are:
- Tokaki = Andromeda, the queen.
- Subaru = Taurus, the bull.
- Tatara = Aries the ram.
- Kokie = Aries the ram.
- Amefuri = Taurus, the bull.
- Karasuki = Orion the hunter.
- Toroki = Orion the hunter.
The origin of of in Japan is influenced by Chinese mythology, like the other three divine creatures. The Chinese call Byakko with the nameof white tiger and he is one of the four symbols of the Chinese constellations. In addition to representing the west, is also a symbolof the autumn season
The origin of of in Japan is influenced by Chinese mythology, like the other three divine creatures. The Chinese call Byakko with the nameof white tiger and he is one of the four symbols of the Chinese constellations. In addition to representing the west, is also a symbolof the autumn season
During the Han Dynasty people believed that the tiger was the king of beasts. Legend says that when a tiger reached the five hundredyears old, its tail becomes white. In this way, the white tiger, becamea kind of mythological creature. Is said that the white tiger appearedonly occasionally, if the emperor legislated with absolute virtue or ifthere was peace in the world. Due to the white of the Chinese five elements also represents the west, the white tiger became, in turn,one of the mythological guardians of the West.
Genbu is the Japanese word used to refer to one of four divinemonsters which indicate the cardinal points. Genbu has the appearance of a turtle and a snake. Represents the north and its symbol is the land. Seven Northern Constellations are:
- Hikitsu = Sagittarius, the archer.
- Tomire = Aquarius, the water carrier.
- Inami = Capricorn, the goat.
- Uruki = Aquarius, the water carrier.
- Urumiya = Aquarius, the water carrier.
- Hatsui = Pegasus, the winged horse.
- Namame = Pegasus, the winged horse.
The origin of Genbu comes from one of the four symbols of theChinese constellations. The Chinese called black turtle or tortoise of the north (black tortoise). In addition to representing the north, also refers to the winter season.
The origin of Genbu comes from one of the four symbols of theChinese constellations. The Chinese called black turtle or tortoise of the north (black tortoise). In addition to representing the north, also refers to the winter season.
In ancient China, the tortoise and snake, were viewed as spiritual creatures that symbolized longevity.
It is the Japanese name given to a blue dragon in Japanese mythology, part of the four divine monsters. It is representative of one of the cardinal points: east. Also symbolizes the water element.The Seven Constellations of the East are:
- Nakago = Scorpio, the Scorpion.
- Amiboshi = Virgo, the virgin.
- Suboshi = Virgo, the virgin.
- Soi = Scorpio, the Scorpion.
- Volume = Libra, the scales.
- Ashitare = Scorpio, the Scorpion.
- Miboshi = Sagittarius, the archer.
Its origin comes from one of the four symbols of the Chinese constellations. The Chinese call Seiryu, the Azure Dragon or "azuredragon of the east". In addition to representing the east, the Chinese associated with the season of spring. It should not beconfused with the yellow dragon that is associated with the Emperor of China.
In Japan, the azure dragon is one of the four guardian spirits of cities and somebody are said that he protect the city of Kyoto on the east. The west is protected by Byakko, Genbu the north and south by Suzaku. In Kyoto there are temples dedicated to each of the guardian spirits. Kiyomizu Temple represents the azure dragon.Before entering the temple is a statue of the dragon, which is saidto be drinking at midnight from the source is inside the temple complex. After doing each year, meet in a ceremony to worship thedragon of the east. In 1983, the tomb of Kitora was found in the village of Asuka. The four guards were painted on the walls (in the corresponding directions) and a system of constellations painted onthe ceiling. This is one of the only prints from the four guards.
Suzaku is the Japanese word used to designate one of the fourdivine monsters from Japanese mythology, representing the cardinal points. Suzaku is the south and its appearance is a redphoenix, which in turn represents the fire element. The Seven Consetallions of South are:
In Japan, the azure dragon is one of the four guardian spirits of cities and somebody are said that he protect the city of Kyoto on the east. The west is protected by Byakko, Genbu the north and south by Suzaku. In Kyoto there are temples dedicated to each of the guardian spirits. Kiyomizu Temple represents the azure dragon.Before entering the temple is a statue of the dragon, which is saidto be drinking at midnight from the source is inside the temple complex. After doing each year, meet in a ceremony to worship thedragon of the east. In 1983, the tomb of Kitora was found in the village of Asuka. The four guards were painted on the walls (in the corresponding directions) and a system of constellations painted onthe ceiling. This is one of the only prints from the four guards.
Suzaku is the Japanese word used to designate one of the fourdivine monsters from Japanese mythology, representing the cardinal points. Suzaku is the south and its appearance is a redphoenix, which in turn represents the fire element. The Seven Consetallions of South are:
- Men Sou Chichiri = The thousand faces (Mask and Monk)
- Min Tou Tamahome = Fight (Battle and Family)
- Kyuu Nuriko Bu = Brute force (Palace and Guerrero)
- Kou Ken Hotohori = Imperial Sword (Emperor and Sword)
- Chiriko Dou Chi = Wisdom (Knowledge and Child)
- Tasuki San In = Fire in the mountains (Mountains and fire)
- Yu Mitsukake l = Healing (Healing and Medicine)
Suzaku is part of one of the four symbols of Chinese constellations.The Chinese call it Vermilion Bird. In addition to representing the south, also symbolizes the summer season.
Suzaku is part of one of the four symbols of Chinese constellations.The Chinese call it Vermilion Bird. In addition to representing the south, also symbolizes the summer season.
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